Monday, September 9, 2024

How to Review the Related Literature of a Research

First of all, the researcher should specify the Keywords of the research title or research Problem. The Keywords will indicate to you; What literature should be reviewed?


The related literature that should be reviewed is composed of Literature related to; 1) the dependent variables of the study, 2) the Independent variable of the study, 3) the context of the study, and 4) the methodology of the study


Example: The Development of a Strategic Management System for Students Affairs to strengthen the program learning outcomes(PLOs) of the Undergraduate Program in Education.

Keywords; strategic management system, The program learning outcomes, the student affairs, and Undergraduate Program.


Independent Variable; strategic management system

Dependent Variable; PLOs of Education Program

Context of the study; Student affairs & undergraduate program in education

Methodology; the Research and Development(R&D); develop a model


Topics of Literatures

1. Concepts and theories related to outcome-based education and program learning outcomes

2. Concepts and theories related to strategic management

3. Student affairs and the undergraduate program in education

4. Methodology for developing a model

5. Related research


Note:  In the cases of no.5; related Research; please include them in the topic above, don't separate to be another topic

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