Monday, September 9, 2024

How to Review the Related Literature of a Research

First of all, the researcher should specify the Keywords of the research title or research Problem. The Keywords will indicate to you; What literature should be reviewed?


The related literature that should be reviewed is composed of Literature related to; 1) the dependent variables of the study, 2) the Independent variable of the study, 3) the context of the study, and 4) the methodology of the study


Example: The Development of a Strategic Management System for Students Affairs to strengthen the program learning outcomes(PLOs) of the Undergraduate Program in Education.

Keywords; strategic management system, The program learning outcomes, the student affairs, and Undergraduate Program.


Independent Variable; strategic management system

Dependent Variable; PLOs of Education Program

Context of the study; Student affairs & undergraduate program in education

Methodology; the Research and Development(R&D); develop a model


Topics of Literatures

1. Concepts and theories related to outcome-based education and program learning outcomes

2. Concepts and theories related to strategic management

3. Student affairs and the undergraduate program in education

4. Methodology for developing a model

5. Related research


Note:  In the cases of no.5; related Research; please include them in the topic above, don't separate to be another topic

Are you a Developer or a Researcher?

 Are you a Developer or a Researcher?

When you serve as a developer such as a Secretary-General of the UN, you try to develop a learning center of the UN for all institutes or all people in the world. when you serve as the prime minister of Thailand, you try to develop a learning Center for all target institutes and all people.  The UN and the Prime Minister of Thailand are not concerned about the specific Treatment/prototype(The Learning Cen. They are not worried about the effectiveness of the learning center(dependent variables).


When you serve as a researcher; the research committee may ask you about the treatment/the Independent variable; whether it is an extraordinary operation; Specific knowledge, specific activities, specific target group, and creativity. They also ask you about dependent variables; understanding, satisfaction, and performance of the target groups after you give them the intervention/treatment.


In the research pattern, you should scope or define the limitation of the study; who are the target groups of the study (  sixty thousand primary schools, 900 Vocational Schools, 250 Universities, 150 international Schools, or  6 million students in Thailand,  etc.)

After you define the target group, specific knowledge, and specific activities, you must determine the sample size and the sampling techniques, and then the measurement design; what variables are going to be measured; (1)understanding, (2) satisfaction, and (3) performance of the target groups and how to measure them( such as using questionnaire, test, etc., how about the language of the questionnaire etc.


Without a specific research scope, it will be tough to come up with specific creative strategies, and difficult to measure the dependent variable. Most importantly, if it can be done, it will take a lot of time and resources.

If we clearly define the research scope, develop innovative prototypes creatively, and have reliable methods to check their effectiveness, after the completion of our research project, it is a matter of applying the learning center more widely in the future.



The Main Task of Researcher

 The main task of a researcher; Research Design

The main task of a researcher is to design and answer a specific research problem. The research design; What is it covered?



1. Sampling Design; determining the target population, sample size, and sampling Techniques; purposive sampling, simple random sampling, quota sampling, accidental sampling, systematic sampling, etc.

2. Measurement Design: What are the Variables, Research Instrument; Treatment, Data Gathering Instrument, and How to develop the Instrument.

3. Statistical Design: Descriptive Statistics; Mean, Med. Mode, SD, Inferential statistic; t-test, F-Test, etc.

The Research Question

Categorizing research questions; If different criteria are used, different types will result. However, if divided according to the nature of the research, it can be divided into 3 types as follows:-

1. Descriptive Questions:  we found them in Descriptive Research, Historical Research, and Analytical Research

2. Relationship Questions: we found in Correlational Studies; Simple Correlation, Multiple Correlation, Multivariate studies, Confirmatory Studies

3. Difference Questions: we found them in Comparative Studies, Experiment Design/Semi-Experiment Design/Field Experiment Design.